Soaked Ginger Peach Cake

Take it as a promise: you will relish this cake! It’s not only mouth watering, but also fresh and tingly. Kinda everything you need for a hot summer day. Nevertheless, is fairly easy to prepare.

You can opt whether you’ll make it in one layer or two. DSCN0592Some time ago I use to put it under a chocolate layer, but now I prefer the simplicity of the cashew nuts. After soaking them, just add coconut oil, honey, fresh ginger & lemon juice to your taste. Use the immersion blender to mix everything together well.

It was a real test to keep the amazingly full-ripe (but not mushed) peaches un-devoured on the table for 3 full days. But it totally worth it! Chopped in tiny squares and rolled through a mix powder of ground cinnamon and ginger, they turned out just perfect for this desert.


All you have left to do now is sink the peaches (consider not pouring all the liquid) into the cashew cream, make it even and sprinkle pistachio nuts on top (or almond flakes). Keep it overnight in the freezer and 10minutes after it’s out you can serve it! Garnish with fresh slices of peaches – if you have any 🙂

list of ingredients

  • cashews
  • coconut oil
  • honey
  • fresh ginger
  • lemon juice
  • peaches
  • ground cinnamon
  • ground ginger
  • pistachio nuts / almond flakes
  • salt

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