Tag Archives: berries

Energy Drink

There’s one drink that can make your mornings resemble the kind of treat you’d get in a fancy cafe. Except it doesn’t have any caffeine or milk. Yet everybody flips out as if they were drinking cappuccino or milkshake. I think that’s why I’ve ended up calling it energy drink.

To begin with, you have to prepare the nut milk – it can be made from almonds, walnuts, cashews and so on. Use sesame seeds as one third of the whole nut quantity, so you can add up to the calcium intake for the day. After soaking the nuts, rinse them well and drop them into the blender with fresh water. When they start turning into a watery cream, strain it by pouring the entire composition through a nut milk bag. If necessary, fold in more water.  You’ll be left with the milk and the leftover pulp, suitable to use in further deserts. Why not prepare 1-1,5l of nut milk, store it in the fridge and have it at your disposal over the next few days?

Once you get the milk done, start adding into the blender one or more of the following ingredients:

  • bananas
  • dates/ raisins/ figs or honey
  • coconut cream
  • rose water / orange blossom water
  • fruits tea or masala chai
  • carob / cacao
  • ground cinnamon / vanilla/ cloves, etc
  • any kind of berries (fresh or frozen) – in this case better not mix it with banana or dried fruits
  • ground flax or hemp seeds

You’ll get a pretty thick consistency, but you can always dilute it to your taste.


With this kind of quantity you’ll enjoy full energy until lunchtime or even later!