There’s one great thing about this desert: you can make it from whatever comes handy. All you need to have is some presoaked nuts and dried fruits, the rest is just improvisation!
I gathered some of my favorite ingredients along with a few tips of how to mix it:
– if you are in a bit of a rush and you don’t have any presoaked nuts, go for those that require less hydrating time (cashews – 4h; sunflower seeds – 2-3h) instead of the ‘time consuming’ ones (almonds or walnuts – roughly 8h)
– if you’ve just made nut milk, you can use the leftover pulp
– extra fat is not necessary, but welcomed; especially when you’re using just the pulp (which is already fat depleted) instead of the whole nuts. go for a bit of coconut oil, cream or butter or, if you fancy chocolate, cacao butter. even tahini works out pretty well.
– dates or figs are the best to go with, but you can also use raisins, dried cranberries or plums. don’t forget to take out the pits 🙂 soak them for half an hour and strain; if you have a high power food processor, you might not need to do this, but consider rinsing simply to have them safe and hygienic

– mix these two base ingredients in the food processor – you should have more nuts than dried fruits or else the composition will turn out too sweet
– grated coconut is necessary as you’ll need something to eat up all the water from the soaked ingredients. otherwise the composition will be too sloppy and you won’t be able to mold it into balls. alternatively, you can use psyllium husks, a good source of dietary fiber which helps in providing a good transit, or plain oats

– now you have to decide on the flavor: you can have choco mint balls or lemony balls, rose water balls or cardamom cinnamon balls, black or white, pink or orange, and so on. just use your imagination!
– always take into consideration that whatever ingredient you might add, the final texture should be doughy enough for you to shape the balls.
– you can make it crunchy by rolling the energy balls over a combination of grated coconut and sesame or poppy seeds. moreover, you can save some roasted nuts and add them either into the mixture or on the surface

list of ingredients
1. base
- presoaked walnuts/ cashews/ almonds/ sunflower seeds, etc
- slightly soaked dates/ figs/ raisins/ plums/ cranberries, etc
- coconut oil, butter or cream/ cacao butter/ tahini, etc
2. texture
- grated coconut, psyllium husks, oats
- poppy/ sesame seeds or roasted nuts
3. flavor
- cacao powder/ carob
- grated lemon/ orange peel
- rose/ orange blossom water
- ground cardamom/ cinnamon/ nutmeg, etc