Tag Archives: chia seeds

Choco Chia Pudding

This desert is so simple that it’s going to blow your vision about vegan cooking. Well, rather preparation than cooking 🙂

As you probably know by now, beside being a superfood, chia seeds are easy peasy to be used in the kitchen. When soaked in water, they create a mucilaginous mass in a matter of minutes. You can stir them from time to time and add more water if needed, but for the time being just leave them aside and focus on the avocado chocolate. Its delicious taste is obtained by the sole use of a few ingredients:

  • avocado
  • coconut milk/ fat
  • honey
  • cacao and/or carob
  • vanilla (optional)

Now mix the already set chia pudding with the chocolate and decorate it at your wish! Enjoy this simple raw desert as breakfast or a special treat with friends.